Friday, July 25, 2008

Detractor Stereotypes

All races in this country have stereotypes that have been put into the mainstream over the past few generations. Some of them good, or others not so much. Interracial relationships are no exception. However, none is more negatively portrayed in society than those involving Black men and White women. To the detractors, this relationship can never be genuine under any circumstance. To them, the idea that a Black man may actually have love for a White woman, and vise versa, is enough to make some of them feel insecure. I wanted to share here some of the stereotypes that they typically use adnauseum in their continuing quest to discredit BM/WW:

1) "Black men only date fat White women"

I've observed some of the interracial couples near where I live and, except for a few occasions, the majority of the White women that I've seen dating Black men have a modelesque body type. Detractors (White men and Black women) typically use this because the idea of an attractive, and slim, White woman picking a Black man for a relationship feeds into their insecurities. Physically, sexually and otherwise.

2) "White women are easy and passive that's why Black men date them"

Besides being insulting to every White woman in a interracial relationship, feeds into the stereotype of Black men being overly aggressive and sexist. Seeing as though a substantial amount of white women that are dating/married to Black men are from a military background, this rings false. Now, are there some passive White women who let men walk all over them? Absolutely. But there are also Black women who are passives. Contrary to popular belief, not all Black women are willing to stand up for themselves against a man.

3) "Black men only want them for trophies, look at the NBA players"

For starters, most Black NBA players (like 95% of them) are married to Black women. That myth was created by the typical bias media because they are five times more likely to show a White spouse over a Black one. For the media it creates conflict because it gets Black women and White men upset. How many people actually know that OJ Simpson's first wife was a Black woman and they actually had children? Probably few, because during the trial in the 1990s, the media ignored it and instead focused exclusively on the "blond White wife."

As far as the "trophy" women are concerned, only a small fraction of Black men in interracial relationsips fall into this category. Different types of Black men marry white women, rich ones, poor ones and all those in between. You don't get "status" from marrying a White person. Black men wouldn't put up with possible death threathening letters, cross burnings on the lawn, disapproving stares and comments from family members/strangers or vandalized property with the words "NIGGER LOVER" strewn across, just so they can have a trophy wife.

4) "Why would Black men even want them, White women have no lips, a flat ass, and bad skin"

This of course is typically said by Black female detractors. I'm not going to bother explaining these offensive comments. To me, they're racist and inappropriate. No different than if a White guy said: "Black women have a flat ape-like nose and an ass like a baboon." Both comments would be considered racist, and rightfully so.

In closing, I find it hyprocritical that the detractors hate seeing Black men and White women together, yet they vote for a man who is the offspring of such a union. His name is Barack Obama. Who, by the way, was raised by a White mother. So much for the belief held by some Black women that Black children can't be raised by a White woman. Because to me, looks like Obama turned out just fine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel black women have made it a habit to disrespect white women more than any other people. They speak of white women very insensitively and with out any type of regard or consideration. They call white women whores, fat, old, weak... and so many other things I cant think of right now... but when I look at their forums their is always 1 or 2 white women that defend black women. When they are speaking on white women that date black men... if one didn't know any better you would think black women are speaking about animals.