Saturday, July 26, 2008

Attraction VS Self-Hate

What doesn't make sense with the argument that interracial relationships involve self hate is this:

* If a white person dates a black person, then they must love that person. A hater avoids the subject of it's hate; haters segregate from us. So since the Black person is involved with someone who loves him/her, how can that be anything other than a legitimate, loving relationship?

* There are many white people who prefer Black people for our physical, social, and emotional characteristics. So isn't it a good thing as a Black person to be involved with someone who likes and accepts you? It is possible to be discriminated against by your own race; I have received many negative comments about my skin color and socio-economic status from other Blacks (remember brown bag parties?) I would prefer to be involved with someone who chooses my characteristics, than to be with someone who thinks that I am less than because of my racial characteristics.

* If you assume that a white person will think of themselves of being racially superior in a relationship, does that mean that even someone with those beliefs cannot love their partner? If you answer "yes" to that, then explain how men can love women if they think that men are superior to women in various characteristics? We all have some beliefs about others that can be considered to be racist, sexist, nationalistic, etc. That doesn't preclude people from loving anyway.

* And if anyone believes that interracial relationships have deep-rooted causes in slavery, maybe they can explain how that dynamic plays out differently in Carribean and Central American countries? The dark skin and curly hair and culture of many Hispanics has to do with centuries of Indians and whites mixing with African descendants.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Bring it back down to basics. If a black man is with a white women black women automatically assume he has issues with his own race period. This has been proven over and over again in almost every black forum where there's black women.

If a white man dates a black woman nobody accuses the white man of hating white women.

It's almost like black people are the most racist. We can't date anybody who is non-black without somebody questioning our motivation or giving us the screw face.

This philosophy or quest to understand why is bullshit quite frankly. Let the people live it's not that serious is what I would say...